Space Planning

Space Planning

Space and Capital Project Request

Facilities, Planning & Operations provides leadership and expertise to manage space and capital projects from planning and design through to construction and delivery phases for all space allocations, moving, renovations and new construction projects.  We are the liaison between the Rowan University departments requesting the project and the rest of the project team, including designers, architects, engineers and builders. 


The purpose of this Space and Capital Project Request Form is to provide the Rowan University Space Planning Committee (SPC) and the Capital Design and Construction team with current information for the evaluation of space and capital project requests.  The SPC team oversees the assignment, utilization, renovation and new construction of University owned or leased space in order to:

  • Promote efficient and coordinated use of space on all campuses.
  • Ensure that space and capital project requests have proper authorizations and are handled in a timely and transparent manner.
  • Ensure that the University’s facilities information (building plans and space inventory) is accurate for internal space management and reporting purposes.
  • Comply with the University’s master plan and University standards.
  • Comply with the current state building codes, laws and regulations.
  • And provide a safe environment for faculty, staff and students and surrounding community.

The assignment and utilization of offices, classrooms, labs, storage, and student spaces are the responsibility of the University Administration, but the Space & Project team recognize that faculty and other stakeholders have valuable input regarding space utilization and department needs.  Thus, the determination of space use is therefore a shared function based on programmatic needs and support of the academic mission.


Space and Capital Request Form

*IMPORTANT* It is required to have Sr. Leadership (VP, Sr. VP, or President) complete the approval request form and authorize the required funding source in order for the project to be considered.  This approval request form will need to be uploaded within the Space and Capital Project Request portal.  

Once you start the Space and Capital Project Request form, it must be completed in its entirety in one sitting, it is expected to take no longer than 15 minutes.  Once you submit the completed form through the portal, the request is received by the SPC team who will:

  1. Reach out to the requestor to review the request.
  2. Determine if the request needs an inspection of the existing and proposed spaces to verify such issues as space area, required adjacencies, furniture, AV equipment, information technology and building systems including but not limited to electrical, plumbing and HVAC.
  3. Determine if a subsequent test fit-out plan by a consultant is needed.
  4. Review available funding and preparation of a preliminary cost estimate for the proposed relocation/renovation of space.
  5. Present the request to the Space Planning Committee (if needed). *Please see Space Plan Committee Meeting dates.


Space and Capital Project Approval

Once the SPC approves/denies the request, you will be informed of the decision.


*Please allow 6 weeks for the Space and Capital Project request process to be completed from request to approval/denial of project. 


If the project is approved, other necessary departments will be notified, such as but not limited to Information Resources and Technology, Facilities Design and Construction, Facilities Capital Controls, Facilities Operations and the Facilities moving supervisor.


All projects that have been approved will be valid for one calendar year from the date the requestor received the approval.


Any rooms vacated to accommodate the request will become a part of the inventory of available space until it is re-occupied.


Space Planning Committee Meetings


The Space Planning Committee meets on the third Thursday of the month (except during the holiday season). 


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